Friday, April 30, 2010


Now I know some of you have been anxiously awaiting for me to update my tip of the week.  I hope you enjoy!  Inspiration for this came as I was reading the revised third addition of Dave Ramsey's The Total Money Makeover (It's great by the way if you have never read it).  I was struck by how much denial there is in this country when it comes to people and their money.  For some reason mediocrity in financial matters has become acceptable and down-right normal in this country.  Why?  The fact of the matter is 7 out of 10 households live paycheck-to-paycheck, yet as many as half of those actually think they are in the 30% group.  That is some serious Denial!  Think about it, if you had a major life event today (ie. job loss, serious illness or injury, loss of spouse through death or divorce) would you even be able to make it to the end of the month?  Be honest with yourself.  

Now I'm not trying to belittle you or tear you down,  I'm just trying to get you to face the music before life literally smacks it into you.  Sadly even faced with these kind of major events, some of us go on living life like we didn't lose a job and the new one doesn't pay as much.  Failing to make adjustments in the short term will become disastrous long term.  This is why I have talked so much about being intentional with your money.  If you are living without a plan and spending as much or more than you make, it's a dangerous road you are walking.  It's only a matter of time before life pushes you over the edge, making it hard to recover.  So please start today taking steps to correct the situation.  Who knows, maybe things really aren't as bad as you fear them to be.  If you're curled up in the fetal position with your eyes closed, you'll never find out.  Please don't let the fear become paralyzing.  Feel free to contact me if you think you need more help unpacking your particular situation.  Sometimes a fresh set of eyes, with a different perspective is needed.  I offer a free no-obligation 30 minute consultation.

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