Friday, March 5, 2010

Tip & Quotes of the Week Feb 26-Mar 5

Quick Budget
Yes- I have mentioned the dreaded “B” word, budget. It’s time to face the music. You can’t move forward if you don’t know where you stand. For some reason most people start to break out in cold sweats at the mere mention of a budget because they think it’s a bad horribly restrictive thing. Well it’s not and if you think it is then you’ve been going about it wrong. If you prefer to call it a spending plan, that’s fine, because that’s what it is- planning out where you need and want to spend your money.

Gather your bills and statements. Sit down (with your spouse) and do a quick budget. Now you nerds, this does not mean a detailed 20 page spread sheet. I am talking about a one page basic income verses out-go spending plan. A quick snap shot of what you spend in the basic categories of food, clothing, housing, utilities and transportation. This is a basic step but very important. You might find that you are horribly out of balance in a few areas and maybe even digging deeper into debt every month. Or you most likely will discover that you spend a small amount of money every day or week that adds up to be a lot. See my post a more in-depth look the do’s and don’ts of a successful budget.

"If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished."Unknown

"Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver." Ayn Rand

"A budget is simply telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went" John Maxwell

"You will either learn to manage money, or the lack of it will always manage you." Dave Ramsey

1 comment:

La La La Leah said...

I have a budget. =/ I am horrible at keeping to it. I even get Cash out for all of our Sundries. I think I have a problem. I just need to stick to it better. But I like those quotes!!! I will try to remember them.