Friday, September 3, 2010

Recipe For Becoming Financially Exceptional

Today I am addressing those of you who feel you live comfortably.  You make a pretty decent average or above average income (the average income in the US is ~49K/year).  You are probably fairly typical by having a car payment, and a student loan from your college days.  You probably use your credit cards faithfully for the bonus skymiles or reward points, but may or may not pay the balance off at the end of the month.  Also, you may have never had the need to learn how to budget because of your income or simply don't bother to because it's too menial or you don't think you have time.  I run into you a lot and hear, "Oh we think it's great what you do, but we aren't struggling, so we don't need your help."  Granted you may not come out and say it like that but that's the basic drift of how the conversation goes.  If I am describing you please stop and take a listen to what you inner voice is telling you.  

Answer these questions honestly:
Are you tired of feeling like you have nothing to show for the money you make?  
Do you dread paying the bills because there is little or nothing left afterwards?  
Does thinking about retirement or the kids college make you sick or keep you up at night because you know you aren't saving enough?
Do you disagree with your spouse about how the money should be given, saved or spent?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, this is your wake up call!  You are the perfect candidate for what I do and teach regardless of how much you make or how well off you think you are.  Well perfect that is, if you have the desire for change and achieving a better life and future.  You are my favorite kind of client.  I can take you from average to exceptional by making some small changes in how you manage your money because you have a good income.  So what are you waiting for?  Why settle for mediocrity when you can be truly exceptional?

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