Friday, August 26, 2011

The Four P's

Perseverance, Patience, Participation, & Perspective- Four words that sum up success in not only your finances, but life.  Perseverance, because without it you give up short of the mark when things get hard or aren't working.  To me, this is the #1 ingredient for success, because the lack of it shows in your character.  It's easy to give up or quit when things get hard.  Having perseverance means that you muscle up and shoulder the hard times as well as the good.  Having perseverance also takes a lot of another P- patience.  You can't have one without the other.  Like they say, if you ask for patience, it's tested immediately.  So expect it to be hard at first.  I chose participation because you have to be in the game to win.  It's a choice we make every day.  There is no standing still.  You are either moving closer to or farther away from your goals.  And Perspective, because it's hard to participate, have patience and persevere through the tough times if you don't keep it in mind.  Without proper perspective, hope fades and we despair easily.  Being successful isn't an accident.  It won't just happen.  It takes all these qualities working together to get to where we want to be in life.

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