Friday, June 11, 2010

Tip & Quotes of the Week June 4-11

Spoiled Children
When I think of spoiled children I think of the kid screaming and throwing a fit in the grocery store. We've all been there and heaven knows my older daughter has done it. The old adage, 'spare the rod spoil the child' is often mis-interpreted. Spoiling your children is not good in terms of worldly wealth. No, I'm not advocating using 'the rod' on children, that's down-right ridiculous. I take it to mean spoiling them with love, time and attention. Things that money won't buy. Giving a child everything they could possibly wish for, leads to adults who can't stand on their own and whose lifestyles are still subsidized by their parents. Stop the cycle today!

By now you are probably sick of me talking about kids and money. I just can't help myself because there are huge problems facing the rising generation today. Developing character in your child is probably the hardest part about being a parent, especially if you weren't taught by your parents. If that is the case, teach your children the lessons you didn't learn.

"My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived and let me watch him do it." Clarence Budinton Kelland

"Some children are spoiled and it is not their fault, it is their parents." Roald Dahl

"Teach your children values and do not give them everything they want." Peter Buffett

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