Monday, March 12, 2018

Clean Slate

Isn't it funny how life gets busy and time slips away from you? I've been thinking about writing another post for months, but never taken the time to actually sit down and do it... Until now! I've been watching a lot of YouTube lately (which is another reason I haven't been blogging), but several of the channels I watch on a regular basis are financial vloggers. They are all different ages and from different backgrounds and in different walks of life, but the one thing they have in common is a passion for getting out of debt, living frugally and being transparent about the good, the bad and the ugly on YouTube. Watching their stories has reignited my love for helping others win with money. While I prefer to write rather than vlog, I hope I can make a difference for you and your financial position. I want to start by getting back to basics, helping you start from scratch if necessary. A clean slate so to speak. I also want to talk about the deeply rooted emotions we all have about money. So stay tuned for some exciting things to come later this week!

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