Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Little Swamped... but NOT Forgotten

Hello all you wonderful blog readers!  I realize I have not been the greatest at keeping up on my blog the last couple of months.  This is mainly because my life has gotten extremely crazy.  With 3 little girls to take care of, a household to run and the added burden of our latest adventure- my husband had a seizure and totaled our van.  While everyone is miraculously safe, I am now realizing the full impact of all this because I am the only driver in my house now.  If you don't think that's any big deal, just consider all the places you and your spouse drive in any given day.  Thankfully, he's able to car pool to work, so I don't have to drive him there.  But all the times I just needed him to run an errand for me or take one of the kids somewhere are gone for the time being.  Combine that with still dealing with the repercussions of having a NICU baby earlier this year, I'm quickly discovering that a very strong gag reflex, acid reflux, and solid foods don't mix very well.  It's quite the zoo at my house right now.  So for the time being, I'm taking another official break from blogging until things settle back down to a newer normal.  While I'm a little swamped, you are not forgotten.  Through patience and perseverance, all things will work themselves out, in any area of your life.

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