Chances are that you are part of the 7 in 10 American households living paycheck to paycheck. The funny thing is that only about half of you recognize that you really do live paycheck to paycheck. That is some serious denial going on. Here are some signs that you are indeed living paycheck to paycheck. You have no savings, you feel like you play catch up on payday, you have too much month at the end of the money, you are anxious about how you are going to pay for an upcoming bill and most importantly- if you lost that paycheck today, you would be in serious trouble. I'm not trying to make you feel stupid or worthless, I just want you to have a dose of reality as ugly as that might be.
There could be several reasons for being in this predicament. Having career or medical issues, not knowing how to live differently and not having a plan are just a few. Whatever the reason and no matter what your circumstances, you don't have to live like this anymore. The key to unlocking a better future is change and that makes you the catalyst. Only you can decide if you have had enough of the stress, pressure, and turmoil of living this way. When you come to this crossroads you have a choice, either keep doing the same thing and getting the same results OR make a change (or several) that will lead you down a new path. Sure, this new road seems scary and I won't lie to you, it will be hard at times. You will even have setbacks and discouragements along the way. But having traveled this road for the last 3+ years, I will tell you that I wouldn't go back to the way things were for anything.
If you don't know where to begin, start by realizing that you need to make a change. If you are married, talk to your spouse about how you feel. If your spouse doesn't feel the same way, get help from a third party clergy or counselor. Not being on the same page with your spouse may be the biggest problem you are facing. You will always be frustrated and never get anywhere if you are trying to row the same boat in different directions. Work together to develop goals and a plan of how you are going to get there. Gain the tools and knowledge to help you be successful in following that plan. Get help when you need it. Above all remember that this isn't a cake walk or a sprint. Almost daily, I have to remind myself to think tortoise, NOT hare.
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